November 5, 2010

Certified Management's Board Member Seminar

We had the privilege of attending Certified Management's Board Members Seminar yesterday at the King Kamehameha Golf Club.

Larry Pothast gave an excellent training presentation "A guide to Successful Association Leadership." He provided a clear concise format on what it means to be a property association Board Member. Interestingly, I thought his leadership advice applied to anyone who has responsibilities on any team. The definition of leadership being to "establish standards, and manage a climate where people are self motivated toward the mastery of goals." I think this applies to any team, business, family or organization. Getting everyone to move toward a common goal because they see the need to do it, is the best prescription for getting things done, and getting things done happily. He also demonstrated how acting like a leader makes people listen to you, even when they think you make mistakes. I personally liked the point he made about not giving noisy negativity makers your time and energy, because it empowers them.

He also gave some great pointers on clear communication. I believe that whether in a professional or personal setting, focusing on the other parties needs and motivations first helps to smooth the path for moving forward with clarity. Larry said "Communicate Often, and tell the truth all the time." Talk to people in a way that is meaningful to them and they will be quicker to get on board with you.

Larry Pothast emphasized repeatedly: The role and purpose of a Property Association Board is to Maintain, Protect, and Enhance property value. This is the main purpose and objective of an AOAO or Association Board.

Property Values should be determined annually by appraisal. And the real value = curb appeal + perception of quality of life. He told stories about how a 'fun' property' sold faster and for 30% higher sale price despite its being less maintained than its sister property because of the FUN FACTOR.

Larry Pothast pointed out that most homeowners just want to be left alone, and to do this as much as possible, UNLESS it pertains to the primary role of the Board's function to maintain, protect, and enhance the property value.

All in all, Reiko Marino, of Certified Management did a great job coordinating and facilitating a great seminar. The Kamehameha Golf Club served an excellent lunch, the facility was beautiful even in the rain.

Speaker: Larry Pothast

Topic: Serving On The Board:
A Guide To Successful
Association Leadership

Kawika's Painting - Arthur Hayes, Sherwin Williams - Jeff Seckler, Larry Pothast speaker, Porcelain Refinishers Inc. - Tammy Genobia, and 'Junior' Tungpalan. Shawn Racoma, Engineering previously Makena Beach Resort.