Water Spot and Hard Water Stain Removal - Polishing and Sealing

"Thanks for your help.  The windows look beautiful."  Marsha S.

EUROTECH uses a glass waterspot removal system that is: 
  • Non-abrasive
  • Non-acidic
  • Professional Grade
  • Natural Organic Ingredients, Balanced Neutral pH Factor, Skin Friendly Formula, Can Be Used By Chemically Sensitive People
  • Non-toxic and non-corrosive. It does not contain phosphates, acids, bleach, solvents, detergents, ammonia or butyl

Below:  Before and After Shower Glass

Hard Water can leave behind deposits that can't be scrubbed off.  Shower glass is especially susceptible to this kind of buildup.  Glass clarification and polishing remove the deposits and prepare the glass for sealing.  A good glass sealer must have a molecular size that allows penetration on this dense of a surface.  Sealer will help make the surface less prone to deposits and makes daily cleaning easier.

FOR SERVICE CALL 808.877.0222

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